Red and green heads of lettuce from several of Johnny's lettuce varieties, displayed in a metal bins.


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Adaptable and tasty heirloom green leaf.
High-performance romaine for hydroponics.
Award-winning dark green oakleaf for full-size heads.
High-performance oakleaf for baby-leaf production.
Gorgeous, easy-to-harvest, organic one-cut.
The standard green romaine for baby leaf, adds texture to salad mix.
Strong performer with excellent disease resistance.
Radiant burgundy version of an old favorite; delicate oak-like leaves.
Standard heat-tolerant green leaf with disease resistance.
Crunchy, snackable, stackable mini cosberg.
Slow-bolting, flavorful, one-cut red leaf lettuce.
Little Gem-type with smooth leaves that form true mini heads.
Crunchy, juicy, sweet romaine for baby leaf.
Uniform red leaf with heat tolerance and heavy heads of frilly leaves.
Blend with high percentage of red leaves and stunning color contrast.
Old variety with modern adaptations.