Gothic Tunnel Peak Jig Quick Hoops™ Accessory

Product ID:7300.100.07300.100

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Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

Gothic Tunnel Peak Jig Quick Hoops™ Accessory

Product ID:7300.100.07300.100

Bend gothic arch-shaped bows to shed snow more efficiently.

Used with the 9018 Quick Hoops™ High Tunnel Bender to create 14' wide, fixed or moveable, peaked structures with bows made from 2½ ten-foot pieces of chain-link fence top rail. Includes extensive instructions for building a fixed tunnel with traditional style coverings as well as a set written for Eliot Coleman's modular moveable "Cathedral" tunnel that can be broken down into modules and seasonally moved anywhere on your farm. These 14' wide structures are designed to cover four 30" beds and will also allow two rows of 6' Quick Hoops™ low tunnels to be erected within them for added protection over the winter. Includes only the jig for the peak sections, plus mounting hardware and manuals. Note: Choose this jig only if you already have the 9018 Quick Hoops™ High Tunnel Bender; if not, simply order the 7300 Quick Hoops™ Gothic High Tunnel Bender, which includes both.

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Product Features

Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

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