Community Programs
Our mission is helping families, friends, and communities to feed one another by providing superior seeds, tools, information, and service.
We are committed to assisting agricultural and horticultural nonprofit organizations with programs that align with our mission. Areas of support include land access and preservation, new farmers, agrarian equity, food sovereignty, and healthy eating for young students.
Our Giving Committee meets each year to consider agricultural nonprofit organizations with programs that align with our mission. Areas of interest include but are not limited to new and young farmers, land access and preservation, and agricultural equity.
We selected these causes because they are crucial for the progress of human-scale, regenerative farming. New and young farmers are the future of farming, and yet, access to land is a significant barrier to them. Furthermore, thousands of acres of farmland are lost to development every day, and millions of acres will likely need to be passed to new farmers in the years ahead. Protecting agricultural land enables long-term food security to our communities and provides essential environmental benefits. Finally, we support agricultural equity because farmers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have not had access to resources and opportunities that other farmers have long had available to them.
- Small- or human-scale, organic, or regenerative farming.
- Food security and/or food sovereignty within the local community.
- Healthy eating habits in young students.
- Vocational agriculture for teens and adults.
- Requestor must be a 501(c)(3) organization with a qualifying program (see Areas of Support).
- We limit in-kind donations to organizations that physically engage in planting the seeds.
- One request will be considered per requestor every 12 months (July 1 through June 30).
- A fee for shipping and handling of physical items may be assessed at our discretion.
Our Community Harvest Program is a mix of distributing the harvest, gleaning, and recycling at our Research Farm in support of communities across Central Maine. Each year, the program is active from May through November, with August to November containing the bulk of harvest and gleaning events.