De Milpa Organic Tomatillo Seed

Product ID:2075.112075

Quick Facts


Latin Name

Physalis philadelphica

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


70 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated

Product Features

Product Features

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
Plants, or seeds harvested from plants, that have been grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, strictly adhering to the USDA's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) organic gardening practices are designated as Organic.

Supplies that meet the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) rules according to a third-party authority such as OMRI, WSDA, and/or a local authority such as MOFGA or NOFA.
Heirloom Heirloom
Seeds saved over many years and passed down, in original form, from generation to generation.

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Heirloom

De Milpa Organic Tomatillo Seed

Product ID:2075.112075

Purple heirloom for long storage.

In Mexico, these tomatillos grow unattended in family corn fields and are harvested for home use and for selling in town on market day. High dry matter, small to medium-round fruits store fresh for several weeks, handy for fresh salsa. Portions of the fruits blush with purple, especially after harvest. USDA Certified Organic.


  • Packet: 40 seeds
  • Avg. 18,800 seeds/oz

Quick Facts


Latin Name

Physalis philadelphica

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


70 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated

Product Features

Product Features

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
Plants, or seeds harvested from plants, that have been grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, strictly adhering to the USDA's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) organic gardening practices are designated as Organic.

Supplies that meet the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) rules according to a third-party authority such as OMRI, WSDA, and/or a local authority such as MOFGA or NOFA.
Heirloom Heirloom
Seeds saved over many years and passed down, in original form, from generation to generation.

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Heirloom

  • This product does not ship to the following countries: Austria,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Cyprus,  Czech Republic,  Germany,  Denmark,  Estonia,  Spain,  Finland,  France,  United Kingdom,  Greece,  Croatia,  Hungary,  Ireland,  Italy,  Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Latvia,  Netherlands,  Poland,  Portugal,  Romania,  Sweden,  Slovenia,  Slovakia.


Physalis philadelphica


Same as tomatoes, but once established, more tolerant to stress from drought, heat, cold, and low nutrients. Well adapted to growing in most regions in the U.S. Typically germinates within 7–10 days.


Sow in 50-cell trays 4–5 weeks before transplanting. Can also sow tightly in flats and pot-up (see Tomato culture). Keep moist until emergence. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost, about 1–2 weeks later than your earliest tomatoes. Plant tomatillos deeply for adventitious rooting, spaced at 24–36" apart, depending on amount of plant training. At least two tomatillo plants required for successful pollination and fruit-set.


Black plastic mulch and row covers will accelerate growth in cooler regions. Short, yet sprawling plants can grow wild but do benefit from some support, similar to determinate tomatoes. Tomatillos can thrive in containers, but a trellis that elevates the plants but still allows plants to remain open will increase harvest efficiency.


See Tomatoes.


Pick weekly (with husks attached) into containers or 10-lb flats. Harvest when fruit is still firm, bright green, and filling the papery husk. Best marketed with husks attached but split open enough to reveal the sticky fruit. If needed, cool rapidly to preserve husk quality. Once softening and yellowing, the fruit is overmature and highly prone to splitting.


Sensitive to cold injury and ethylene gas (affects fruit color). Store dry and in husks at room temperature for 1–2 weeks, or at 41–50°F and 80–90% RH for 3–4 weeks. Husks will naturally dry within 2 weeks, but high humidity is recommended for best freshness. Tomatillos can be held even longer in the refrigerator, either in a paper bag with husks attached, or peeled and washed and put into a plastic bag. Tomatillos can also be frozen for later processing.


From transplant.


SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 18,300.


40 seeds. 30–90' depending on germination, thinning, and final spacing.

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