Fruits grown from our pepper varieties, including red, orange, yellow, and green hot and sweet peppers, in wood boxes.


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Ivory-colored bell for tunnel and field production.
Spicy flavor for a new take on the traditional shishito.
Specialty pimento cheese pepper with thick, sweet, delicious flesh.
Early red bell for tunnel or field production.
Blocky red bell for heated and unheated tunnel production.
High-quality open-pollinated bell for Northern growers.
Blocky orange pepper for heated and unheated tunnels.
High-yielding, widely adapted Santa Fe/Guero Chile pepper.
Blocky orange pepper for heated and unheated tunnels.
Widely-adapted green-to-red bell with broad disease resistance package.
Full resistance to bacterial leaf spot (BLS), plus TSWV resistance.
Large, widely adapted Anaheim with thick walls.
Full bacterial leaf spot (BLS) resistance.
Blocky red bell for heated and unheated tunnel production.