Two large, red onions on a cutting board.

Full-Size Onions

51 Products
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The famous juicy, sweet regional favorite from Walla Walla, Washington.
Large, intermediate-day, yellow Spanish variety.
Big, mild white onions from a widely-adapted day-neutral variety.
A classic mild yellow onion with excellent size potential.
Red long-day onion for overwintering.
The best red onion for southern growers.
Dependable short-day onion.
The best onion for overwintering in the North.
Early, adaptable intermediate-day Spanish type with disease resistance.
Short-day onion with excellent color and disease resistance.
Widely adapted Walla Walla type for growing farther South.
Earliest long-day overwintering onion for the North.
Short-day for southern growers only, grown as Vidalia type in Georgia.
The famous juicy, sweet regional favorite from Walla Walla, Washington.
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Early yields of red onions without sacrificing size.
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