One of Johnny's onion varieties shown in the field: a tidy row of large, white onions.


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Downy mildew resistance.
Flavorful early mini onion that matures early and holds well.
Big, mild white onions from a widely-adapted day-neutral variety.
Storage onion for intermediate latitudes.
Classic yellow OP strain, dependable and productive early onion.
Large, intermediate-day, yellow Spanish variety.
Short-day onion with excellent color and disease resistance.
Nice specialty Mediterranean variety with tall, elongated red bulbs.
Vibrant red, long-day storage onion.
Exceptionally long-storing yellow onion.
Big, mild white onions from a widely-adapted day-neutral variety.
Large, intermediate-day, yellow Spanish variety.
An earlier red storage type.
Unique pink specialty onion with excellent storage potential.