Red and green heads of lettuce from several of Johnny's lettuce varieties, displayed in a metal bins.


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Uniform, disease-resistant green leaf with excellent heat tolerance.
Heat tolerant dark green butterhead with broad disease resistance.
Heat-tolerant romaine for long, uniform hearts with good flavor.
Bolt tolerant, widely adaptable with open habit suited for heads.
Use as a salad mix base for structure, loft, and yield.
Bronze red Little Gem-type for spring, summer, and fall.
Our favorite traditional Boston type with thick, crisp leaves.
Darkest red leaves with long harvest window and good flavor.
Early producer of truly compact mini heads with bronze-red color.
Early producer of truly compact mini heads with bronze-red color.
A favorite for salad mix, lime green oak leaves for striking contrast.
Standard heat-tolerant green leaf with disease resistance.
Dark red romaine with contrasting red and green leaves, for full size.
Uniform red leaf with heat tolerance and heavy heads of frilly leaves.
Standard green oakleaf for baby-leaf production.
Adaptable, medium-size iceberg with high percentage of perfect heads.