Red and green heads of lettuce from several of Johnny's lettuce varieties, displayed in a metal bins.


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Red leaf well-suited for late-season growing due to disease resistance.
Heat-tolerant romaine for long, uniform hearts with good flavor.
Dark green, compact romaine for an all-season mid-size.
Large, bright green oakleaf with dense heads and long harvest window.
Dark red romaine with contrasting red and green leaves, for full size.
Bolt tolerant, widely adaptable with open habit suited for heads.
Bolt tolerant, widely adaptable with open habit suited for heads.
Deeply incised, heavily frilled leaves add texture to mixes.
Uniform red leaf with heat tolerance and heavy heads of frilly leaves.
Uniform, disease-resistant green leaf with excellent heat tolerance.
Compact, uniform, mini romaine with excellent texture.
Most attractive green romaine packs and handles with little damage.
Dark red Little Gem-type for mini heads.
Slow bolting and upright with great flavor.
Crunchy, snackable, stackable mini cosberg.
Green butterhead with strong downy mildew resistance.
A red Summer Crisp with good flavor.
Red leaf well-suited for late-season growing due to disease resistance.
A red Summer Crisp with good flavor.
Compact, filled-out mini heads that are dark red even in the North.
Most attractive green romaine packs and handles with little damage.
Uniform red leaf with heat tolerance and heavy heads of frilly leaves.
Gorgeous, easy-to-harvest, organic one-cut.
Adaptable and tasty heirloom green leaf.
Green butterhead with strong downy mildew resistance.
Blend with high percentage of red leaves and stunning color contrast.