Spring Tower Specialty Green Seed

Product ID:3887.113887

Quick Facts

Latin Name

Lactuca sativa var. asparagina

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


55 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated

Spring Tower Specialty Green Seed

Product ID:3887.113887

Chinese celtuce.

Originating in Southern China, celtuce is botanically a lettuce. Harvest when the edible stem thickens and reaches a length of 8–10". The tender stems have a flavor that is mild to slightly bitter, and are typically sliced and used in stir-fries and soups. Crops grown in cool weather will be milder. The young leaves may also be used in salads. Grow just like head lettuce. MT0-30.


  • Packet: 500 seeds
  • Avg. 25,250 seeds/oz

Quick Facts

Latin Name

Lactuca sativa var. asparagina

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


55 days

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Open Pollinated


Lactuca sativa var. asparagina


Celtuce is grown in a similar manner as head lettuce. Sow seed 3-4 weeks before transplanting outdoors in flats or cell-type containers 1/8" deep, about 1/4" apart. For a continuous supply, sow every 2-3 weeks. Shade flats on sunny, warm days, if necessary, to keep the soil surface below 75°F (24°C) until germination. If sowing into flats, transplant about 2 weeks later 1-2" apart in flats, pots, or 3/4-1" cell-type containers. Harden seedlings by reducing water and temperature for 2-4 days before transplanting outdoors. Celtuce plants are hardy to light frost. Transplant 8-12" apart in rows 12-18" apart. If direct seeding, begin sowing in spring as soon as the soil is prepared. The seeds will germinate even at low, 40°F (4°C) soil temperature, but poorly above 75°F (24°C). Sow seeds about 1" apart in rows 12-18" apart or sow in clusters of 3-4 seeds every 8". Cover seeds lightly, about 1/8", firm soil gently, and keep surface moist until emergence in 3-5 days (or longer in cold weather). Thin to 8" apart.


See our selection of insecticides for slug control products. Prevent disease with crop rotation and good sanitation.


Cut the plant when the enlarged stem reaches 8-10" long. To market, strip off all leaves except for the small tuft at the top. Prior to eating, trim or peel off the outer skin to expose the edible central core. The stem pieces may then be stir fried, broiled, or used in salads.


1,000 seeds/220', 1 oz./5,300'.


Avg. 20,000 plants.


SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 25,250 seeds.


500 seeds.

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