Four heads of bok choy, grown from two of Johnny's bok choy varieties, displayed in a wooden box.

Pac Choi (Bok Choy)

10 Products
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Slow-bolting dark purple pac choi.
Beautiful dark green pac choi, best at full size, suitable for minis.
Heavy, vigorous white-stem pac choi; cold and heat tolerant.
Organic white-stemmed pac choi.
Bolt-, heat-, cold-tolerant pac choi for full or medium-size heads.
Bulky and uniform white-stemmed pac choi for mini or full-size heads.
Bright strawberry red pac choi for mixed packs and baby leaf.
Slow-bolting white-stem pac choi for dense, fully formed mini heads.
Best baby pac choi because heads are proportional at true baby size.
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