Preludio Organic (F1) Fennel Seed

Product ID:3272G.113272G

Quick Facts


Latin Name

Foeniculum vulgare

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


50 baby; 80 full size

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Hybrid (F1)

Product Features

Product Features

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
Plants, or seeds harvested from plants, that have been grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, strictly adhering to the USDA's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) organic gardening practices are designated as Organic.

Supplies that meet the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) rules according to a third-party authority such as OMRI, WSDA, and/or a local authority such as MOFGA or NOFA.

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies

Preludio Organic (F1) Fennel Seed

Product ID:3272G.113272G

Large rounded bulbs.

Heavy bulbs are uniform, high yielding, and offer the traditional anise flavor. Suitable for late summer and early fall harvest in most areas. Preludio can also be transplanted in January for an April harvest in areas with mild winters, such as coastal California. Also available with NOP-compliant pelleting. USDA Certified Organic.


  • Packet: 200 seeds
  • Avg. 6,400 seeds/oz

Quick Facts


Latin Name

Foeniculum vulgare

Days To Maturity

Days To Maturity

Average number of days from seeding date to harvest, within a specific crop group. If a transplanted crop: average number of days from transplant date. Not sure if crop is direct-seeded or transplanted? Check the Growing Information box for details. If crop can be both direct-seeded or transplanted, days to maturity refers to direct seeding. Days to maturity for all flowers and herbs is calculated from seeding date.


50 baby; 80 full size

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

Plants can be Annuals (single growing season), Perennials (grow year after year), Tender Perennials (grow year after year in warmer climates; and in some cases when given special protection in colder climates), or Biennials (require two years to mature).



Hybrid Status

Hybrid Status

Hybrid: The offspring of a cross between two or more distinct parent lines, usually of same species, and selected for improved traits.
Open-pollinated: A non-hybrid variety that can reproduce itself in kind, demonstrating relatively stable traits from one generation to the next.


Hybrid (F1)

Product Features

Product Features

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies
Plants, or seeds harvested from plants, that have been grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, strictly adhering to the USDA's National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) organic gardening practices are designated as Organic.

Supplies that meet the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) rules according to a third-party authority such as OMRI, WSDA, and/or a local authority such as MOFGA or NOFA.

Organic Seeds, Plants, and Supplies

  • This product does not ship to the following countries: United Arab Emirates,  Austria,  Australia,  Barbados,  Belgium,  Bulgaria,  Bermuda,  Bahamas,  Switzerland,  Cyprus,  Czech Republic,  Germany,  Denmark,  Estonia,  Spain,  Finland,  France,  United Kingdom,  Greece,  Hong Kong,  Croatia,  Hungary,  Ireland,  Iceland,  Italy,  Japan,  Republic of Korea,  Kuwait,  Cayman Islands,  Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Latvia,  Malta,  Netherlands,  Norway,  New Zealand,  Oman,  Poland,  Portugal,  Qatar,  Romania,  Saudi Arabia,  Sweden,  Singapore,  Slovenia,  Slovakia,  San Marino,  Thailand,  Trinidad and Tobago,  Taiwan,  Ukraine.


Foeniculum vulgare


Bulb fennel, or finocchio, prefers fertile, well-drained soils high in organic matter with a pH of 6.5-7.5. Adequate irrigation is needed to produce high-yielding and flavorful crops. Whenever possible, fennel should be planted to mature in shortening days with cooler temperatures, as high heat and long days encourage bolting.


From date of direct seeding.


Use 1-2" cell-type containers, sowing 3 seeds/cell, 1/4" deep. Thin to 1 plant/cell. Grow for 4-6 weeks or until plants can be removed without disturbing roots. Transplant outdoors in midspring to late summer 6" apart. Use care as disturbing the roots may cause bolting. Clip off any seed stalks that may form.


Sow midspring through early summer 10 seeds/ft., 1/4" deep, rows 18" apart. Thin to 6" apart.


1M/100', 5M/500', 1 oz./700'.


When base thickens, use sharp pruners to cut bulb free just above taproot. Cut off leaf petioles 1-2" above bulb to prepare for sale or storage.


Best at 32°F (0°C) with 95% relative humidity.


4,000 plants/oz.




200 seeds, sows 20'.

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