Six shucked ears of corn show the variety of kernel colors available with Johnny's sweet corn varieties.


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Yellow super sweet (sh2) with reputation for flavor.
Full-season bicolor (syn) with jumbo ears and great flavor.
Full-season bicolor (sh2) with premium flavor and tenderness.
Tasty main-season bicolor super sweet (sh2).
Extra-early, high-quality bicolor (sh2).
Emerald green kernels for cornmeal, originally from Southern Mexico.
Early-midseason bicolor (sh2) with excellent eating quality.
Full-season (sh2) variety adapted to the South.
Main-season workhorse bicolor (sh2).
Full-season bicolor (sh2) with premium flavor and tenderness.
A new standard for the second-early (syn) slot.
Flavorful early super sweet (sh2).
High-yielding yellow popcorn.
Full-season bicolor (syn) with jumbo ears and great flavor.
Organic late-season super sweet (sh2).
Rainbow of translucent kernels, a distinctive presentation for fall.
Extra-early, high-quality bicolor (sh2).
Adaptable main-season synergistic (syn) bicolor.
A new standard for the second-early (syn) slot.
Performance and flavor for the full-season (syn) slot.
Reliable first-early synergistic (syn) producer.
First-early bicolor (syn) with excellent flavor and sturdy, tall plant.
Early white synergistic (syn) with great flavor.
Yellow super sweet (sh2) with reputation for flavor.
Reliable white (sh2) variety with superior eating quality.
Organic main-season super sweet (sh2).
Red seed heads, a mix of all the reds our supplier has to offer.
Appeal to the young and young-at-heart with mini, multicolored ears.
Main-season workhorse bicolor (sh2).
Performance and flavor for the full-season (syn) slot.
First-early (syn) corn with large ears.
Early white synergistic (syn) with great flavor.
Flavorful early super sweet (sh2).
Tasty main-season bicolor super sweet (sh2).