Beets from ten different beet varieties, laid out on a wooden crate, and each shown with cross-section slices so that you can see the internal colors.


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Fast-maturing beet with strong tops.
Exceptionally smooth and uniform roots with high sugar content.
Striking golden-fleshed beet that retains its color when cooked.
Workhorse standard red beet; reliable, adaptable, and fast-maturing.
Highest-quality Chioggia strain available.
Improved germination and seedling vigor.
Fast-maturing beet with strong tops.
The best mini beet because it is well-proportioned, even when young.
Striking golden-fleshed beet that retains its color when cooked.
Improved germination and seedling vigor.
Highest-quality Chioggia strain available.
The perfect bunching beet at any size.