A good seeder can save you time, conserve seed, and reduce the need for thinning. Accurately seed whole standard 1020 trays with a Precision Vacuum Seeder, or use any of our small hand-held and wand seeders. For dense row plantings, use the Four-Row pinpoint seeder or Six-Row Seeder. For greater versatility, larger areas, and larger seeds, use an EarthWay or Jang Seeder. For precise spot-planting of larger seed, use an Easy-Plant Jab Planter. Gain maximal seeding efficiency with the right seeder from Johnny's.
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Paperpot Seeder Skip Plate – 2.8 mm
Paperpot Transplanter Accessory
Seed every other cell for wider spacing with Paper Chain Pots.
Jang JP-1 or TD-1 Accesssory
Allows you to more easily fill hoppers or change gears in the field.
Brush Assembly
Six-Row Seeder Accessory
Single brush, including threaded shaft, knurl nut, spring and washer.
Optional Seed Plates
EarthWay® Seeder Accessory
For brassicas, cucurbits, popcorn, lima beans, and carrots/lettuce.
Extended Range Shaft
Six-Row Seeder Accessory
Expands Six-Row Seeder with two smaller and two larger holes.
Hopper Release Grip
Jang JP Series Accessory
Metal lever used to release the hopper from the seeder.
Jang JH-6 3-Point Hitch Kit
JP-6 Seeder Accessory
Convert your JP Series push seeder to a tractor-mounted seeder.
Double Disc Opener
Jang JP Series Accessory
Allows you to seed into heavier soils, or when some debris is present.