Sawdust Spawn Tools for Logs Mushroom Supplies
Sawdust Spawn Tools for Logs Mushroom Supplies
Everything but the spawn!
Here's all the tools and supplies you need to grow mushrooms outdoors on logs or stumps. This kit will allow you to inoculate logs or stumps with spawn (a medium containing a distinct strain of mushroom mycelium used to seed and produce mushrooms) in the form of sawdust spawn. You will drill holes into the log or stump, load the sawdust spawn into an inoculation tool, insert it into the holes, and then seal the holes with wax. To do this, you will need a specialized drill bit, inoculation tool, sealing wax, and daubers. An angle grinder adapter is optional but recommended, as it helps increase the speed of the inoculation process.
You will need to choose your own sawdust spawn variety (sold separately): Blue Oyster, Golden Oyster, Italian Oyster, Lion’s Mane, Shiitake. NOTE: This tool kit is not needed for Almond Agaricus (which is grown in beds) or Wine Cap mushrooms (grown in beds or containers).
Choose from the following recommended products:
- Log Inoculation Drill Bit (12 mm)
- Thumb-Press Log Inoculation Tool
- Angle Grinder Adapter (optional, recommended)
- Log Inoculation Sealing Wax (1 lb bag)
- Wool Wax Daubers (4-pack)
Refer to the growing information pertaining to the individual strains you have selected. Please feel free to contact us. We’re always happy to help.
NOTE: Drill and sawdust spawn are not included.