Mulches are a natural complement to row covers to enhance crop growing conditions: they suppress weeds, repel insects, and help control soil temperature and moisture content, improving the health, beauty, and yield of your fields, gardens, tunnels, and greenhouses. We offer a wide range of sizes and options to suit different scales and applications, including solar, black, white-on-black, red, and metallic plastic mulches, and woven fabric, paper, and biodegradable mulches, for specific applications and the most convenient, economical, and productive results.
71 Products
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Sunbelt Black Ground Cover – 6' x 500'
The standard weed barrier for annual cut-flowers and vegetables.
Sunbelt Black Ground Cover – 15' 6" x 300'
The standard weed barrier for annual cut-flowers and vegetables.
Sunbelt Black Ground Cover – 12' x 300'
The standard weed barrier for annual cut-flowers and vegetables.
Mulch Hole Burner Mounting Base
Mulch Hole Burner Accessory
Create perfect holes in mulch and landscape fabric.
Drip Tape Collar Stops
Manual Mulch Layer Accessory
Precisely place drip-tape, either off-center or multiple lines.