Johnny's 920 Harvest Broadfork

Product ID:9061.09061

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Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

Johnny's 920 Harvest Broadfork

Product ID:9061.09061

Nine tines, 20" wide. Speeds the harvest and yields a better quality crop.

The design that made hand tilling seem almost effortless has been altered slightly to make harvesting root crops easier too. Same size as our 520 model, but with 4 extra tines to gently loosen the soil around root crops such as carrots, turnips, or potatoes for a fast, efficient harvest. Nine curved tines, approximately 10 1/2" long and spaced every 2", with 48" oiled ashwood handles. Assembled weight: 13.9 lbs. Overall width: 24". Made in Maine.

Quick Facts

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Product Features

Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

This item’s size, weight, or shape may require an additional shipping surcharge based on the shipping location selected. Specific charges will be displayed during checkout.

The handles of our rakes, hoes and seeders ship separately and some assembly is required.

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