Johnny's 727 Hardpan Broadfork

Product ID:7309.07309

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Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

Johnny's 727 Hardpan Broadfork

Product ID:7309.07309

Specifically designed for tougher, compacted soils and deep aeration. Seven tines, 27" wide.

Broadforks allow you to break up soil compaction in established beds while leaving beneficial organisms and soil structure intact. A great choice for minimal tillage operations, they also help to improve soil structure over time. Based on our standard round-tine 727 Broadfork design, hardpan models are made with heavy-duty 1/4" plate steel tines that are approximately 10 1/2" long and spaced every 4" to better penetrate rocky and compacted soils. Our updated design features front-mounted tines for better leverage and the same strong, 48" oiled ashwood handles as our traditional broadforks. Once soil is loosened over time, switch to a traditional broadfork for maintenance. 15 lbs. Overall width: 31". Developed in conjunction with Eliot Coleman.

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Product Features

Developed by Johnny's Developed by Johnny's
Seeds and tools that are bred or developed by Johnny's Selected Seeds.

Developed by Johnny's

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The handles of our rakes, hoes and seeders ship separately and some assembly is required.

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