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Your search for "zinnias" returned 53 products and 35 articles
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Follow the instructions in this Tech Sheet for successful production of Zinnia spp cut-flower production. Includes recommendations on site selection and fertility, succession planting, direct seeding, transplanting, pinching and other cultural specifications, pest and disease control, harvesting, and post-harvest handling, from Johnny's Flower Research & Trialing Team.
Key Growing Information
Zinnia | Key Growing Information
Written by our research team, here are the essentials for growing zinnias from seed, from sowing and cultivation to harvest, in the backyard cutting garden or for commercial cut-flower production.
This is 'Aurora' Zinnia from Johnny's Plant Breeding Team. The most exciting thing about this variety is its unique color combinations, with multiple petal colors and lovely contrasting centers.
This is 'Agave' Zinnia from Johnny's Plant Breeding team. 'Agave' was selected for large, cactus-flowered double blooms in muted desert shades of pinks, golds, peaches, and oranges.
See our checklist of must-have characteristics for an easy cut-flower garden. Here are three of the easiest, most reliable and productive cut flowers to get you started.
We have long admired the pastel shades that can pop up from time to time in an open-pollinated multicolor mix, but that have largely not been available as a seed variety. In 2018, the Johnny's Plant Breeding Team started selecting 'Ballerina' for soft pastels and large double blooms.
Of the 30+ new flower varieties Johnny's is offering this year, 'Queeny Lime Orange' zinnia is one of the most striking. It is easy to see why it is an All-America Selections Committee (AAS) award winner, with its glowing apricot blooms featuring a blush of lime and bright rose centers...
Cut Flower Kit – Growing Guide for Market Growers. Growing beautiful blooms is a sure way to attract new customers and grow your business. In this kit, we featured proven varieties of cosmos, sunflowers, and zinnias. Varieties include: A) Sunflowers, 1000 seed ea. of Sunbright (F1), Sunrich Orange (F1), ProCut Orange (F1). B) Cosmos: 1/2 oz seeds of Versailles Mix. C) Zinnia: 1 oz seeds of Giant Dahlia Flowered Mix. (Please note: Varieties subject to change.) Also included: The Basics of Cut Flower Growing for Profit; Growing Instructions; Sample Planting Guide.
For experienced vegetable farmers looking to expand into commercial cut-flower production, as well as the more casual—yet entrepreneurial—gardener exploring ways to create a tidy income stream on the side, these personal narratives from expert farmers around the nation introduce our top-15 choices for getting started in cut flowers. Remember to take notes as you create your seed lists!
A visual celebration of the beautiful, abundant, and unexpected floral design elements that seem to explode during that wonderful transitional time between summer and fall. Enjoy over two dozen examples of regional floral designs using flowers, foliages, herbs, seeds, pods, edibles and vines from across the creative, wide-ranging Slow Flowers Community.
Cut-Flower Harvesting & Post-Harvest Care | Best Practices from Pros in the Slow Flower Community
What are the best practices and systems for harvesting and post-harvest handling of flowers, herbs, and foliages before they leave the field and workshop, to safeguard that quality? This survey of 5 specialty cut-flower growers distills the collective and cumulative wisdom of three-quarters of a century of farming and selling flowers, from the Slow Flowers community.
Profitable margins at the market rely on building efficiencies into the bouquet-making and operation, plus branding that emphasizes "couture" over "commodity." Here's advice from 3 professional flower farmers on how to convey the inherent value of your bouquets through method and presentation.