Person holding two Brussels sprouts.

Organic Vegetables

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Storage onion for intermediate latitudes.
Fancy, three-lobed leaves with a peppery flavor.
Eye-catching brilliant purple pods.
Super-hot! Pungent habanero for fresh, dried use, and "jerk" sauces.
Organic traditional storage shallot.
Red butterhead with impressive disease package.
Vibrant golden yellow, medium-large bell with excellent, sweet flavor.
Versatile mini romaine with sweet flavor.
Red butterhead with impressive disease package.
The first open-pollinated bicolor sweet corn (su).
Early, delicious, attractive cherry tomatoes.
Crunchy, juicy, sweet romaine for baby leaf.
Medium-green, heavily curled leaves with sharp, spicy flavor.
High-yielding, widely-adapted organic melon for full-season harvest.
Open-pollinated jalapeño with more skin checking than our hybrids.
Heavy, dark green oakleaf with fast early growth and sweet flavor.
Purple heirloom for fresh salsa and long-term storage.
Nice specialty Mediterranean variety with tall, elongated red bulbs.
Well-known heirloom bibb with tongue-shaped leaves, excellent flavor.
Organic, adaptable, main-season synergistic (syn) bicolor.
Medium-large, blocky dark green bell ripens to yellow/orange.
Attractive, very sweet, half-size version of Corno di Toro Carmen.
Orange counterpart to Cornito Rosso and Cornito Giallo.
Broad, thick green leaves with mild cucumber flavor.
Attractive, well-filled and uniform dark green Lollo type.
Heirloom variety with deep burgundy leaves for salad or microgreens.