Person holding two Brussels sprouts.

Organic Vegetables

534 Products
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Ultra-early, vibrantly colorful and very hardy, multi-purpose corn.
Fast-growing with great color contrast for mixes.
Another way to eat healthy broccoli.
Uniform and slow-bolting radicchio.
Organic one-cut with spiky bronze leaves and great yields.
Traditional OP, the standard variety in the South.
Good fresh or processed into sauerkraut.
Sweet and flavorful mini-sized peppers; all three colors in one mix.
Beautiful red savoy with light green interior leaves, delicious flavor.
Unparalleled eating quality and extra long storage.
Classic romaine with modern disease resistance.
Exceptionally smooth and uniform roots with high sugar content.
Remarkable earliness and size in a beautiful, full-size leek.
Standard green oakleaf for baby-leaf production.
The standard green Swiss chard, savoyed leaves, white stems and veins.
Attractive, high-yielding greenhouse pickler with excellent flavor.
Versatile mini romaine with sweet flavor.
Favorite multi-cut, open-pollinated Italian heirloom for spring/fall.
Crisp seedlings with white stems, green leaves, and peppery flavor.
Striking lime green Romanesco with pointed, spiraled pinnacles.
Old variety with modern adaptations.
Striking, uniform red kale for baby leaf.
Shiny green leaves, traditional basil flavor.
Crunchy, baby-leaf red romaine with narrow petiole.
Adaptable, medium-size iceberg with high percentage of perfect heads.
Green butterhead with strong downy mildew resistance.
Unique tulip-shaped patty pan that is perfect for stuffing.