
Organic Herbs

68 Products
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Fast-growing, classic Genovese. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Light, sweet flavor for teas and cooking.
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Dark green dill for container and baby-leaf production.
Fine- to medium-leaf chive.
Gorgeous reddish-bronze color, vigorous, uniform, and slow to bolt.
Dark purple Italian Large Leaf type with high yields and great flavor.
Improved microgreen production over standard cilantro.
Ornamental, flavorful Thai type with larger leaves and showy flowers.
Spring green dill for baby leaf and bunching.
Fast-growing, classic Genovese. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Upright, full plants with attractive leaves that are easy to harvest.
Fusarium-resistant Italian Large Leaf type for field or greenhouse.
Fusarium-resistant, Italian large-leaf type for field or greenhouse.
Fast-growing Fusarium-resistant Genovese type for greenhouse or field.
Standard cilantro, available in organic seed.
Medium-size leaf, highly uniform.