Large, bright green oakleaf with dense heads and long harvest window.
Standard hydroponic variety, excellent summer greenhouse performer.
Uniform red leaf with heat tolerance and heavy heads of frilly leaves.
Large and fancy, heat tolerant red butterhead for stunning display.
High-performance romaine for hydroponics.
Improved germination and seedling vigor.
Early producer of truly compact mini heads with bronze-red color.
Striking red leaves with bright green interior for stunning contrast.
Red leaf well-suited for late-season growing due to disease resistance.
Green butterhead with strong downy mildew resistance.
Use as a salad mix base for structure, loft, and yield.
Long, slender roots high in beta-carotene; sweet, tender, and smooth.
A versatile, early, bunching carrot.
Deeply incised, heavily frilled leaves add texture to mixes.
Adaptable, medium-sized iceberg with high percentage of perfect heads.
Specialized variety that is ideal for overwintering.
Uniform, disease-resistant green leaf with excellent heat tolerance.
Adorable miniature blooms that resemble old-fashioned spray roses.
Impressive flavor for a summer-harvested carrot.
Dark red romaine with contrasting red and green leaves, for full size.
Large, deeply lobed and flat silvery leaves for elegant bouquet filler.
Darkest red leaves with long harvest window and good flavor.
Fusarium-resistant, Italian large-leaf type for field or greenhouse.
Novel blooms with slightly ruffled petals and outstanding color.