Vigorous, adaptable celery with great flavor and tender stalks.
Fast-growing mizuna with fancy, toothed leaves.
Sweet-flavored shoots are an attractive bright-yellow when blanched.
Darkest purple mustard with mildly spicy flavor.
Organic late-season super sweet (sh2).
Thread-like leaves add delicate pungency to dishes calling for onions.
Magnificent fruits; earlier, more productive than regular habaneros.
Lofty, purple-red leaves and stems with earthy flavor.
Our best purple open-pollinated kohlrabi.
Frost tolerant, white-ribbed kale.
Bright lemon flavor and distinctive red veins.
Spicy, intricately lobed, bright green leaves.
Finely-textured leaves, sweet fennel flavor for desserts and fish.
Organic, adaptable, main-season synergistic (syn) bicolor.
Early high-yielding San Marzano type for greenhouse and hoophouse.