Spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves.
Unique orange cocktail tomato with appealing, sweet-tart flavor.
Long European cucumber with improved disease resistance.
Very winter-hardy open-pollinated leek.
Giant storage kohlrabi that retains its sweet, tender flavor.
Early bicolor to kick off the season.
French type with bright lemon flavor; allows for extended harvest.
Tasty first-early variety borne on a compact, determinate plant.
Mildly nutty shoots for snacking, salads, and garnishes.
Organic red one-cut with strong disease resistance.
Organic main-season super sweet (sh2).
Improved microgreen production over standard cilantro.
Attractive, ruffled romaine that retains its red color in low light.
Widely adapted traditional orange sweet potato.
A favorite for salad mix, lime green oak leaves for striking contrast.
Large bright green butterhead with disease resistance.
Crunchy rib with an iceberg look.
Delicate green plant with nutty and mild, pea-like flavor.
Standard large pumpkin; defined "the look" of big halloween pumpkins.
Organic and downy mildew-resistant long-day onion.
Early red bell for tunnel or field production.
Standard heat-tolerant green leaf with disease resistance.