Doubles as a wild, yet subdued ornamental and a culinary specialty.
Attractive and intensely flavorful sweet-and-tangy lemon basil.
More vigorous, higher yielding Brandywine type with excellent flavor.
Highest-quality Chioggia strain available.
Classic cornflowers in blue, pink, red, and white.
Beautiful Long Island heirloom suited for pies and long storage.
Sure conversation starter. Pink skin covered with peanut-like blisters.
One of the most appealing extra-early tomatoes, also cold tolerant.
Traditional Italian heirloom with great flavor.
Highest-quality Chioggia strain available.
Versatile specialty market salad item, sweet and flavorful pickler.
Russian heirloom with bold, smoky flavor, good texture, unusual look.
High-yielding heirloom paste tomato.
Sunny orange fruits with full flavor, meaty interior with few seeds.
Unique flashy heirloom, tender and sweet in salads or cooked.
Heirloom Italian wax bean packed with flavor.
Silky texture for a perfect pie, also a gorgeous ornamental.
Purple heirloom for fresh salsa and long-term storage.
The striking, edible scarlet flowers are a hummingbird favorite.
Adaptable and tasty heirloom green leaf.
Perennial plant with ornamental blue globes.
Unique color and great flavor; one of the best green tomatoes.
Famous Spanish heirloom, eaten as tapas (appetizers) in Spain.
Delicious, highly productive black heirloom.
Easy-to-grow cosmos for gardens and pollinator plantings.
Favorite multi-cut, open-pollinated Italian heirloom for spring/fall.
Highest-quality Chioggia strain available.
Heirloom variety with warm, rich colors.
Soft, furry plumes are perfect for drying.
Ropes of deep red, trailing blooms, a reminder of things Victorian.
Tallest dusty miller for cut foliage.