Standard Genovese type for containers.
Color innovation in a professional-quality, single-stem sunflower.
Fast-growing with large leaves. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Our highest-performing Japanese type.
Compact, uniform, mini romaine with excellent texture.
Early mix for spring and summer production.
First purple basil with resistance to downy mildew and Fusarium.
Outstanding tarnished-copper to plum-colored flowers.
Early producer of truly compact mini heads with bronze-red color.
Fully double, top-flowering blooms for early spring to summer harvest.
First sunflower to win an All-America Selections award.
Our most prolific plum with very good flavor, bred for organic systems.
Lemon yellow petals surround a dark disk.
Attractive, high-yielding greenhouse pickler with excellent flavor.
Updated blend of downy mildew resistant varieties.
Early producer of truly compact mini heads with bronze-red color.
Delicious long Asian cucumber with vigorous, high-yielding plants.
Blooms reminiscent of antique tea roses, in main season flowering group.
Compact, filled-out mini heads that are dark red even in the North.
Novel blooms with slightly ruffled petals and outstanding color.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Most flavorful day-neutral variety for field or container.
First and most abundant to bloom in our trials.
Standard hydroponic variety, excellent summer greenhouse performer.
Tall Genovese, highly resistant to downy mildew.
Tasty snacking cucumber with good heat tolerance.
Delicious slicer with impressive heat tolerance.