Semi-compact Genovese, highly resistant to downy mildew.
Classic Italian basil variety with authentic flavor and appearance.
The preferred culinary variety with huge leaves and great flavor.
Most widely grown variety with good leaf, flower, and seed yields.
For field, container, and hydroponic production.
Bolt-resistant variety with uniform, upright plants.
Edible flower with mild cucumber flavor attracts bees and butterflies.
Slow-bolting dill for bunching and leaf harvest.
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Attractive and intensely flavorful sweet-and-tangy lemon basil.
Authentic Thai basil flavor.
Tall Genovese, highly resistant to downy mildew.
Uniform, slender leaves ideal for fresh use.
Beautiful in casual flower bouquets, imparts a sweet cinnamon aroma.
Improved Giant of Italy type; intermediate resistance to downy mildew.
The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavor and yields.
The standard winter-hardy thyme with good flavor and yields.
Distinct lemon flavor for teas and salads, flowers attracts bees.
A true Greek oregano with strong aroma and flavor.
Heaviest leaf for processing and freezing.
Quicker, more reliable germination.
Mint flavor and aroma in abundance.
A staple of the herb garden.
Highly uniform and refined curled parsley variety.
Spicy aroma with hints of coffee and chocolate, a mild spice flavor.
Leafy herb with bold celery flavor.
Aromatic leaves are a substitute for French tarragon.
Zesty citrus aroma for adding unique flair to fish and salads.