French type with bright lemon flavor; allows for extended harvest.
Heavy, dark green oakleaf with fast early growth and sweet flavor.
Dark purple leaf with bright green stem.
Flashy sorrel adds color and sharp, tangy flavor to salads.
Deep burgundy leaves for salad or microgreens.
A favorite for salad mix, lime green oak leaves for striking contrast.
Beautiful red stems and midribs for vibrant contrast in salad mix.
Economical strain for baby leaf.
Colorful heat-tolerant spinach alternative.
All yellow stems and leaf veins, for baby-leaf or full-size bunches.
Attractive, ruffled romaine that retains its red color in low light.
This mild-tasting, slightly nutty mâche is the ideal winter salad item.
Gourmet salad and sandwich vegetable, exceptional nutritional value.
Fast-growing blonde romaine for baby leaf and full-size heads.
Striking, uniform red kale for baby leaf.
Dark green, deeply lobed leaves on upright plant for easier harvest.
Economical strain for baby leaf.
Striking, uniform red kale for baby leaf.
Succulent, cold-hardy salad green with heart-shaped leaf pairs.
French type with bright lemon flavor; allows for extended harvest.
Red leaf lettuce for baby leaf, with strong downy mildew resistance.
Red-veined, baby-leaf spinach with novel leaf shape.
Fast-growing frisée with great loft for salad mixes.
Aromatic, deeply lobed chrysanthemum greens.
The standard green romaine for baby leaf, adds texture to salad mix.
Fast-growing romaine for baby-leaf production.
Similar to watercress, but easier to grow.
Blonde frisée for baby leaf.
Flashy sorrel adds color and sharp, tangy flavor to salads.
Known as "red callaloo" in the Caribbean, comparable to spinach in taste.
High-performance oakleaf for baby-leaf production.