Jang Seeder Starter Kit – Vegetables

Product ID:8368.08368

Jang Seeder Starter Kit – Vegetables

Product ID:8368.08368

Includes a Jang JP-1 Seeder and a collection of seed rollers (LJ-12, X-24, F-24, XY-24) for seeding a wide variety of vegetables including beets, carrots, lettuce, onions, spinach, radish, and more. We selected these rollers based on rigorous trials at the Johnny's Research Farm.


  • Jang JP-1 Seeder (#7319)
  • LJ-12: For small-seeded beets (raw seed), carrots (#13 pelleted), lettuce (#13 pelleted), onions (#13 pelleted), small-seeded spinach, basil (#13 pelleted)
  • X-24: For broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, greens, onions (raw seed), dill
  • F-24: For small-seeded spinach, radish
  • XY-24: For carrots (raw seed), lettuce (raw seed)

Scroll to the base of the page for recommendations from our Jang Seeder Roller Trials.

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