A large bouquet of culinary herbs, including basil, parsley, and dill.

Culinary Herbs

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Leafy herb with bold celery flavor.
Zesty citrus aroma for adding unique flair to fish and salads.
Standard Genovese type for containers.
Versatile Asian culinary herb.
Compact Genovese basil. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
An oregano relative, and Mediterranean native, with zesty flavor.
Versatile Asian culinary herb.
Culinary favorite with savory, pine-scented foliage.
Natural sugar substitute.
Versatile medium-size leaves.
Heaviest leaf for processing and freezing.
Leafy herb with bold celery flavor.
Traditionally used to flavor Mexican and Indian dishes.
Distinct lemon flavor for teas and salads, flowers attracts bees.
Specialty culinary herb that tastes like celery with a hint of anise.
Fast-growing, classic Genovese. Downy mildew and Fusarium resistant.
Dark green dill for container and baby-leaf production.
Brussels Winter type with dark green leaves.
Popular bedding plant and edible flower; sweet, licorice-mint flavor.
Vigorous leaf production and sweet flavor.
Improved Giant of Italy type.
Popular bedding plant and edible flower; sweet, licorice-mint flavor.
Light, sweet flavor for teas and cooking.
Fine- to medium-leaf chive.
Upright, tidy, and ideal for container sales.
Specialty culinary herb that tastes like celery with a hint of anise.
Gorgeous reddish-bronze color, vigorous, uniform, and slow to bolt.
Dark purple Italian Large Leaf type with high yields and great flavor.
Compact, dome-shaped Greek basil.
Dark green dill for container and baby-leaf production.
One-of-a-kind fern-leaf parsley.
Fine- to medium-leaf chive.
Compact English lavender with a nice range of bloom colors.