
Rootstock Tomatoes - Key Growing Information

Rootstock tomatoes; this image depicts a scion variety grafted onto the rootstock and held in place by a grafting clip.


Solanum lycopersicum


For more information on grafting with rootstock tomatoes, please refer to one of our production guides: Top Grafting Tomatoes or Side Grafting Tomatoes. Maxifort rootstock can lead to uneven germination in some conditions; if grafting to Maxifort, see our Maxifort production guide for tips on mitigating this issue. After cotyledons (first leaves) have expanded, fertilize with a complete nutrient solution (EC 1.0, pH 5.8) or equivalent as needed to keep plants dark green and healthy; increase EC as plants grow. Once the grafted plants have healed, continue by growing and managing the plants as you would normally. Grow plants at 66-68°F (19-20°C) day and night temperature. When transplanting into the greenhouse, maintain 73-77°F (23-25°C) day and night temperature for a few days after transplanting to promote rapid vegetative growth and root establishment. Once fruit begins to set, lower night temperature to 62-66°F (17-19°C) and keep a daytime temperature of 68-72°F (20-22°C).


Regularly schedule releases of beneficial insects to control pests.


Avg. 950 plants/1,000 seeds.