Radishes - Key Growing Information
Raphanus sativusCULTURE:
Radishes require friable, well-drained soils with a pH range of 5.8–6.8. Radishes are adversely affected by hot, dry weather. They remain in prime condition only a few days and should be grown rapidly with plenty of moisture to be mild, tender, and attractive. If growth is checked, roots may become tough, pithy, and too spicy. DAYS TO MATURITY:
From date of direct seeding. DIRECT SEEDING: Sow at any time during the season, beginning in early spring. Use 2–3" wide bands, seeds about 3/4–1" apart (about 35 seeds/ft.), 1/2" deep, rows 1' apart. For longer, straighter French Breakfast radishes, sow 15–20% more seeds per row than round radishes, 1/2 to 1 cm deeper, and do not irrigate unless absolutely necessary. AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE:
1 oz./70', 14 oz./1,000', 31 lb./acre in rows 12" apart.INSECT PESTS:
Use floating row covers at time of planting to control flea beetles and cabbage root maggots.HARVEST:
Harvest promptly to avoid pithiness, beginning at about 3-4 weeks when roots are the size of a large marble. STORAGE: Bunch or top, hydrocool, and refrigerate. Topped radishes will keep 3–4 weeks in good, crisp condition if kept at 32°F (0°C), 95% relative humidity, and in breathable packaging. See product descriptions for longer storage of specialty types.SIZED SEEDS:
"Sized" seeds have been sorted so they are roughly the same size. This consistency allows for more accurate spacing with mechanical seeders and more even germination. Only the round red radishes are sized.SEEDS/LB.:
36,500–61,200 (avg. 47,800).PACKET:
250 seeds, sows 7'.