Belgian Endive (Witloof) - Key Growing Information
Cichorium intybusCULTURE: Belgian endive may be grown for harvest of fresh greens throughout the winter. Complete cultural and forcing instructions are included with the seeds, and are linked to above.PLANTING: Sow seeds ¾–1" apart (about 18 seeds/ft.), ¼–½" deep, in single rows 16–24" apart for 3 rows planted on a wide bed. Planting in a band can help ensure a good stand. Ensure that the soil does not dry out during germination. Unlike carrots and parsnips, Belgian endive seeds are quite vigorous and should germinate quickly. A few weeks after emergence and around the time of the first cultivation, thin the seedlings to 2–3" apart. HARVEST: Dig roots in mid- to late fall or after a few light frosts and store like carrots at 32°F (0°C). To force, remove from cold storage after 6–10 weeks to a cool, 55–70°F (13–21°C) room. Keep in complete darkness. Harvest chicons when they become dense, in about 21–29 days.AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1M/66'; 5M/330'; 25M/1,650'; 435M/acre at 15 seeds/ft. in rows 18" apart.SEED SPECS: SEEDS/OZ.: 12,000–14,000 (Avg. 13,000)PACKET: 200 seeds sows 13'.