An illustrated reference to edible flower bloom size, flavor profile, suggested uses, and variety recommendations from Johnny's flower research and trialing team.
Key Growing Information

Peas | Key Growing Information

Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing garden peas (Pisum sativum). Read more for a successful harvest!
A full-color, downloadable, printable (PDF) version of our Shelling & Snap Pea Comparison Chart. Features listed include Variety, Days to Maturity, Flavor notes, Pod Length, Average # of Peas/Pod, Vine Length, and Disease Resistance.
A film about Calvin Lamborn, the father of the modern Snap Pea, whose breeding work gave us exquisite flavor, appearance, increased disease resistance, higher yields, smaller pods for efficient processing, and ease of picking.
Take a closer look at Johnny's 'Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea' Shoots — delicious, beautiful & nutritious, a high-value crop for quick, easy, year-round growing.
Year-round Nova Scotian gardener and author Niki Jabbour lends Johnny's home gardening community her expertise on how to grow 'Super Sugar Snap' pea, an early, productive, hardy and delicious variety with powdery mildew resistance.