- Seed-Starting Date Calculator | When to Start Seeds Indoors | Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Seed-starting Methods at Johnny's Greenhouses | 3 Systems for Starting Professional-Quality Seedlings Indoors
- Guidelines for Starting Seeds Indoors | Tips & Troubleshooting Advice for Starting Healthy Seedlings
- Transplanted Vegetable Crops | Plant Quantity & Average Yield Chart + Feet of Row per Acre
- Transplanted Vegetable Crop Yield Chart | Number of Plants Yielded per Seed Quantity & Average Harvest Yield
- Fertil Pots | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Support Trays | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Flats | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Johnny's 512 Mix | Instructions for Using Our Compost-Based Growing Mix
- Soil-Block Makers | Instructions & Blocking Mix Recipe | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Johnny's 72-Cell Commercial Soil Blocker | Use & Maintenance | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Johnny's 12-Cell Handheld Soil Blocker | Use & Maintenance | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Discovering Soil-Block Making, by Eliot Coleman
- Video: How to Start Your Seeds with Soil-Block Makers
- Video: About Pelleted Seed
- Guide to Choosing a Grow Light | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Strip Grow Lights & Accessories | LED & T5HO | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- 4' LED Propagation Rack Kit | Assembly & Use Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Humidity Domes | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- How to Grow Healthy Hydroponic Seedlings | Seed-Starting & Environmental Variables
- Hydroponic Seed-Starting & Environmental Variables | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Deluxe Microgreens Starter Kit Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Basic Microgreens Starter Kit Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Bioset Germinator & Bioset Germinator Kit Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Seedling Grower Starter Kit Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Manual Leek Planter | Instruction Sheet (PDF)
- Paperpot Drop Seeder Plates | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Terrateck Paperpot Transplanter | Assembly Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Terrateck Paperpot Transplanter | Instructions for Use | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Paperpot Transplanter | Paper Chain Pots | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder | Instruction Manual (PDF)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder | Interchangeable Plates | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder | Supplemental Instructions | Identifying Your Tray Brand (PDF)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder Trial Results | Plate Recommendations for Flowers & Ornamentals (XLSX)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder Trial Results | Plate Recommendations for Herbs (XLSX)
- Precision Vacuum Seeder Trial Results | Plate Recommendations for Vegetables (XLSX)
- SunBlaster LED Strip Light Operating Manual | Français (PDF)
- Sunblaster T5HO Comparison to Sunblaster LED Grow Lights | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- SunBlaster Spectrum Test Report - SBH 4' LED 6400K @ 6" | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- SunBlaster LED Strip Light Operating Manual | English (PDF)
- Strip Light Stand Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- SunBlaster Growlight Garden Instructions (PDF)
- SunBlaster Light Timer Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Seedling Light Carts | Assembly Instructions (PDF)
- Seedling Light Carts | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Seedling Light Carts Replacement Parts | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Smart Pots | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Video: How to Seed Your Paperchain Pots & Trays
- Video: Paperpot Transplanter Demonstration
- Video: Plug Popper | Quick Demo
- Video: How to Use the Precision Vacuum Seeder
- Video: Growing Peppers in Containers with Niki Jabbour & Johnny's
- Video: Growing Tomatoes in Containers with Niki Jabbour & Johnny's
- Video: Direct-Seeding Your Garden | Tips & Recommendations with Niki Jabbour
- Video: Winter Sowing & Milk-Jug Greenhouses | With Niki Jabbour & Johnny's
- Seed-Starting Flats, Trays, Domes & Pots | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Flower Seed Starting Fundamentals
- Paper Chain Pots | WSDA Certificate (PDF)
- Flower Seed Starting Fundamentals
- Video: Manual Cell Tray Seeder | from Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Johnny's Paperpot Transplanter | Assembly & Instruction Manual (PDF)
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | MSDS
- Connecta® Matrix™ Row Marker | Connecta Tool System
- Seeding Date Calculator | To Target Specific Harvest Dates | Johnny's Selected Seeds
- How to Use the Johnny's 72-Cell Soil Blocker
- Johnny's Modular LED Grow Light Cart | Assembly & Instruction Manual (PDF)
- Fertil Pots | OMRI Certificate
- Hardening Off Seedlings With Niki Jabbour
- Bloom to Boom: Flower Farm Profitability
- Johnny's Commercial LED Light Cart | Assembly & Instruction Manual (PDF)
- Johnny's Hand Transplanter | Instruction Manual (PDF)
- JSS Commercial 9-Tray LED Light Cart | Instruction Manual (PDF)
- How to Make Soil Blocks + The Advantages of Soil Blocking With Niki Jabbour
- Johnny's Paperpot Transplanter
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | Label
- Soil Blocking: A Better Way to Start Seedlings
- Johnny's 72-cell Soil Blocker (Quick Demo)
- Johnny's 12-Cell Handheld Soil Blocker
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | OMRI Certificate
- Connecta® Row Pro™ Hiller/Furrower | Connecta Tool System
How to Use the Johnny's 72-Cell Soil Blocker
With the mechanical advantage of our patent-pending design, it is now possible to produce full 72 block trays in less than two minutes each.
- To get started, set the 72-cell grid on a 1020 tray. Fill the cells with soil. Thump the tray once to settle the soil. Refill cells.
- With the cells evenly loaded with soil, set the tray on the tray support of the soil blocker. Slide the tray to the back of the soil blocker, then pull the handles forward to compress a full tray of soil blocks in one gradual motion.
- When the handles reach their limit, the tray of 72 soil blocks will be fully compressed and ejected from the grid. Lift the handles gradually to raise the plungers through the grid and remove the tray.
- The 72-cell tray is ready for seeding.
Adjusting the compression level.
The level of compression applied to the soil blocks can be increased or decreased by adjusting the height of the tray support.
- Increase Soil Compression
To increase soil compression, in a counter clockwise direction, loosen and raise the four nuts above the tray support and set the four nuts at even heights.
Then adjust the four nuts below the tray support up to secure the tray support at a new higher height. Trial a tray of soil blocks to ensure proper compression before securing nuts against tray support tightly.
- Decrease Soil Compression
To decrease soil compression, in a clockwise direction, lower the four nuts evenly below the tray. The support tray will drop and rest at a new lower height. Then adjust the four nuts above the tray support to secure the tray support.
Trial a tray of soil blocks to test compression level before securing the nuts against the tray support tightly.
Learn more about the 72-Cell Commercial Soil Blocker