- Actinovate Lawn & Garden | Biofungicide | Label
- Actinovate Lawn & Garden | Biofungicide | MSDS
- Actinovate Lawn & Garden | Biofungicide | OMRI Certificate (PDF)
- Actinovate Biofungicide | Product Handling Guidelines: Extended Shelf Life
- Agribon+ AG-15 Insect Barrier | Insert (PDF)
- How to Attract Pollinators & Beneficial Insects + 5 Steps to Establishing an Insectary
- AzaGuard | Specimen Label | Johnny's Selected Seeds
- AzaGuard | Materials Safety Data Sheet
- AzaGuard | OMRI Certificate
- AzaGuard | Usage Rates
- Basil Downy Mildew and Prospera® DMR Basil | Breakthrough Breeding Innovation Provides Solutions
- Prospera® DMR Basil Comparison Chart | Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Cucumber Beetle Lure Instructions | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Disease Resistance Codes | Common Plant & Seed Crop Pathogens
- Disease Codes & Definitions for Common Vegetable & Basil Diseases (PDF)
- Fungicides/Bactericides/Algaecides | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Insecticides | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Jacto HD400 Ball Valve Sprayer | Operation Manual (PDF)
- Late Blight Awareness & Prevention | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Organic 1r Seed Treatment | OMRI Certificate
- Organic 1r Seed Treatment | Safety Data Sheet
- Pest & Disease Control Basics in Greenhouse, Hydroponic & Other Protected-Culture Systems
- Physical, Biological & Botanical Pest & Disease Controls | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- Effective Sustainable Pest & Disease Control | Tips for Adopting an IPM Approach
- Rotate & Combine Crops & Controls | Prevent Resistance Buildup in Pests & Pathogens
- Pests & Diseases of Greenhouses & Hydroponic Systems | Tech Sheet (PDF)
- Repellents | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | Label
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | MSDS
- RootShield Plus+ WP | Wettable Powder | OMRI Certificate
- Video: Strategies to Support Beneficial Insects, with Johnny's Education Coordinator
- Video: How to Manage Late Blight on Tomatoes (Phytophthora infestans)
- Video: Distributing Lady Bugs in a Screened Greenhouse | Integrated Pest Management at Johnny's Selected Seeds
- Video: How to Identify Late Blight on Tomatoes
- Plantskydd | Frequently Asked Questions
- Plantskydd Granular Repellent | Label
- Plantskydd Granular Repellent | SDS
- Plantskydd Granular Repellent | OMRI Certificate
- Plantskydd Repellent | Soluble Powder Concentrate (SPC) | Label
- Plantskydd Soluble Powder Concentrate (SPC) | MSDS
- Plantskydd Repellent | Soluble-Powder Concentrate | OMRI Certificate
- Row Cover & Insect Netting Options & Uses | Comparison Chart (PDF)
- SaniDate 5.0 | Sanitizer/Disinfectant | Label
- SaniDate 5.0 | Sanitizer/Disinfectant | MSDS
- SaniDate 5.0 | Sanitizer/Disinfectant | OMRI Certificate
- Video: Climate Adaptation for Vegetable & Flower Farmers | Johnny's Webinar Series
- Video: Growing Under Cover with Niki Jabbour | Johnny's Webinar Series
- Growing Under Cover with Niki Jabbour & Johnny's | Johnny's Educational Webinar Resources
- Video: Cover Cropping for Field & Garden with Collin Thompson | Johnny's Webinar Series
- Sluggo Snail & Slug Bait | Label
- Sluggo Molluscide | MSDS
- Sluggo | OMRI Certificate
- Surround WP Agricultural Crop Protectant | Label
- Surround WP | MSDS
- Surround WP | OMRI Certificate
- Dipel-DF | Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) for Organic Production | California SLN Label
- Dipel-DF | Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) for Organic Production | Label
- Dipel-DF | Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) for Organic Production | MSDS
- Dipel-DF | Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) for Organic Production | OMRI Certificate
- Insectary Plantings in the Farmscape | Options & Recommendations
- Farmscaping & Biological Control | An Overview
- MilStop SP | Label
- MilStop SP | MSDS
- MilStop SP | OMRI Certificate
- Video: Prospera® Red Downy Mildew-Resistant Basil
- OxiDate 2.0 | Broad-Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide | MSDS
- Video: Prospera® Downy Mildew-Resistant Basil
- PyGanic Crop Protection | Application Rate Chart
- PyGanic Gardening | 1.4% | Label | OMRI-Listed | Approved for Certified-Organic Production
- PyGanic Gardening | 1.4% | MSDS
- Video: Disease-Resistant Varieties from Johnny's • Tutorial with Niki Jabbour
- PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0% II | Label | OMRI-Listed | Approved for Certified-Organic Production
- PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0% II | MSDS
- PyGanic Crop Protection EC 5.0% II | OMRI Certificate
- Video: Disease-Resistant Basils from Johnny's • Tutorial with Niki Jabbour
- PyGanic Gardening | 1.4% | OMRI Certificate
- OxiDate 2.0 | Broad-Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide | Label Application Updates
- OxiDate 2.0 | Broad-Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide | OMRI Certificate
- OxiDate 2.0 | Broad-Spectrum Bactericide/Fungicide | Label
- Just Add Flowers | An Introduction to Companion Planting for Vegetable & Herb Gardeners
- Liquid Copper Fungicide | Label
- Video: Veggie Remix: Bring New Flavors & Colors Into Your Garden | Johnny's Webinar Series
- Monterey Garden Insect Spray | OMRI Certificate
- Liquid Copper Fungicide | MSDS
Video: Disease-Resistant Varieties from Johnny's • Tutorial with Niki Jabbour
Canadian gardener, author and educator Niki Jabbour talks about disease-resistant varieties from Johnny's.
One of the best ways to prevent common plant diseases in your garden is by growing resistant varieties.
Plant breeders work hard to develop crop varieties that offer resistance to common diseases like late blight, downy mildew, and powdery mildew.
My strategy is to plant resistant varieties and pair that with good garden practices like crop rotation; proper spacing to allow good air flow; and soil mulching to reduce the occurrence of soilborne diseases.
A few years ago, late blight arrived in my garden, and most of my plants succumbed quickly. However, my 'Jasper' tomato plants were still going strong, as this delicious cherry tomato offers high resistance to late blight — it's even resistant to early blight.
'Defiant PhR' is another stand-out tomato, bred for earliness; flavor; and disease resistance. It's resistant to late blight, early blight, Fusarium wilt, and Verticillium wilt. It's a great choice for gardeners who want to grow tomatoes when disease pressure is high.
'Piccolino' is a productive cocktail cucumber that offers high resistance to scab and target spot, as well as intermediate resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), cucumber vein-yellowing virus (CVYV), and powdery mildew.
Another common disease is downy mildew, which [among others] affects basil plants. Choosing a variety like Prospera® DMR, which is resistant to downy mildew, is a good way to ensure you've got plenty of basil for pesto.
Happy Growing!
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