This article describes the basic steps of seed-starting in hydroponic systems and introduces some of the primary environmental variables that affect plant health and productivity in hydroponic systems.
A learning resource page for our webinar, "Flower Seed Starting Fundamentals"
Soil-blocking is an ingenious seed-starting method that allows the grower to produce vigorous seedlings with roots that quickly reestablish growth upon transplanting. Soil-blocking further eliminates the expense, waste, and storage issues associated with plastic pots. Read Eliot Coleman's account of how he came to develop and perfect this system for the small commercial grower.
Learn how to start professional-quality seedlings using the 3 key indoor seed-starting methods used at Johnny’s Research Farm. This article covers the key seed-starting tools, supplies, and techniques we use for starting seedlings in our greenhouses, including advantages and drawbacks of each type of system: 1) Trays & Cell Flats; 2) Biodegradable Pots; and 3) Soil Blocks created with Soil-Block Makers, developed in partnership with Johnny's Tools Advisor, Eliot Coleman.
Starting your own seeds is a great way to extend the growing season, grow a wider selection of varieties, and save money. Here are some guidelines and troubleshooting advice for growers who are starting seeds indoors, from the Research & Trialing team at Johnny's.
Learn about the advantages of soil blocking, how to choose a soil blocker and how to water and pot-up from soil blocks.