Goldenseal - Key Growing Information

Transplant (recommended): Any piece with a bud or eye and a few strands of fibrous roots should produce a plant. Plant spacing depends on how long you intend to leave plants in the ground before harvesting. If you intend to harvest after three years of growth, space the plants 6" apart in rows that are 8" apart; after four years, plant 8" apart in rows that are 8" apart; or more than four years, plant 8" apart in rows that are 10" apart. Cover the rootstock with 2" of soil. Keep well-weeded, but take care in weeding around young plants to avoid disturbing the roots. Once goldenseal is well established, apply mulch to prevent weed growth.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Part Shade/Shade. Goldenseal grows best in its natural habitat under a hardwood canopy with at least 75% shade, comprised preferably of oak, maple, sycamore, or basswood trees. SOIL REQUIREMENTS:
Goldenseal prefers a light loam soil that has high humus content and a pH of 5.5-6.5. Good drainage is critical to ensure healthy goldenseal plants.PLANT HEIGHT:
Zones 5-8.HARVEST:
Plants grown from root divisions may be harvested after three to five years of growth. Harvest roots in the fall (September or October) after the tops have died back. For full cultural information, see tech sheet on Goldenseal Production from Roots.SCIENTIFIC NAME:
Hydrastis canadensis