Leaf Fennel - Key Growing Information

7-14 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C)SOWING:
Direct seed (recommended) - Sow as soon as possible in the spring after the last frost. Sow seeds 1/4- 1/2" deep, 1/4- 1/2" apart, in rows at least 3" apart. It is not necessary to thin for leaf harvest, but can thin later to 4-6" apart if larger plants or seeds are desired. Transplant - Sow seeds 1/4- 1/2" deep in containers or cell trays and transplant outside after the last frost. Transplant 4-6" apart in rows that are at least 4" apart.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Zones 7-10. Usually grown as an annual or a biennial.HARVEST:
Leaves and stems should be harvested for fresh used before the plant begins to flower. Roots may be harvested in the fall of the first year before the plant flowers. Fennel must usually be wintered over for seed production. It will bolt to produce seed the second summer in areas where it is grown as a biennial or perennial. Plants may produce seeds the first year in areas with a long cool spring. Harvest seeds as they begin to turn their characteristic grayish-green color.Note: Too much moisture at bloom time can prevent formation of seeds.