Chamomile - Key Growing Information

10-14 days.SOWING:
Transplant (recommended): Seeds should be started indoors in flats 4-6 weeks before transplanting out. Press seeds gently into the surface of the growing medium, but do not cover as they require light for germination. Mist to keep the soil surface moist. Keep flats at alternating temperatures of 68°F (20°C) during the day and 86°F (30°C) at night until germination. Transplant when seedlings are 1-2" tall with 3-4 true leaves, as older seedlings do not transplant well. The final spacing should be 8" apart in rows 18" apart.Direct seed: Direct seed as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Scatter the seeds in a narrow band and cover shallowly, as seeds require light to germinate. Keep moist until germination. Thin to clusters of 2-3 plants spaced 8" apart in rows 18" apart.
Sun.SOIL REQUIREMENTS: A fertile, well-drained, sandy loam.PLANT HEIGHT:
Gather flowers when in full bloom. Three to four cuttings are possible in one growing season. To dry, place flower heads one layer deep on a screen in a dry place out of direct sunlight and with good ventilation. Stir periodically over several days until dry.Note: Chamomile self-sows readily. May become invasive, if allowed to do so.