
Video: 'Everleaf' Basil | The extremely slow-to-bolt, compact Genovese basil

Get the inside scoop on why you may want to grow 'Everleaf' Basil this year.

This extremely slow-bolting Compact Genovese Basil variety offers:

  • Good resistance to downy mildew and Fusarium;
  • A compact plant habit, with very short spaces between the leaves and branches of the plant, perfect for live plant and container production or for extended harvest in the field or garden, rather than bunching;
  • High productivity, despite its small stature — outperforming other compact varieties in our trials;
  • Attractive, cupped leaves with a traditional Genovese basil flavor and aroma, receiving high marks in our blind taste-test trial;
  • And last but not least, plants that are slower to bolt than most varieties, by up to 8 weeks, lengthening the harvest window for top-quality leaves, yet filling out a 4" pot as quickly and as nicely as a standard compact Genovese variety, in approximately 4–5 weeks.

If you are looking for improved performance in container and live plant production, or simply enjoy having fresh basil to harvest all summer long, we recommend you try 'Everleaf.'

Learn more about 'Everleaf' Basil….
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