Rudbeckia triloba - Key Growing Information

7-10 days at 70-75°F (21-24°C). For best results prechill for 30 daysSOWING:
Transplant - Sow 5-7 weeks before planting out. Cover seed lightly. For best results, prechill for 30 days: Place seedling flats outside or in the refrigerator and keep moist for 30 days. After chilling, move flats into a warm location until emergence. Direct seed - Gently press seed into soil as soon as soil can be worked in early spring or fall. Pinching not required. Reseeds.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Sun/Part Shade.PLANT HEIGHT:
Zones 3-9.VASE LIFE:
10-14 days. Newly opened flowers might wilt when first harvested but will rehydrate and correct. More mature blooms that have been open for a few days will be firmer at harvest.HARVEST:
When blooms are completely open.SOIL REQUIREMENTS:
Average soil. Drought tolerant once established.USES:
Excellent cut flower, beds, and borders.SCIENTIFIC NAME:
Rudbeckia trilobaALTERNATE NAME:
Brown-eyed Susan