Iceland Poppy (P. nudicaule) - Key Growing Information

7-12 days at 65-75°F (18-24°C)SOWING:
Transplant - Sow into 128-cell or other small cell tray 6-8 weeks before transplanting. Cover seeds very lightly. Bottom water or mist to avoid displacing seeds and soil. Harden off and transplant outdoors, or transplant directly into a covered structure. Direct seed - Sow in early spring, fall, or winter. Iceland poppies grow best in cooler conditions – below 70°F. Bloom production and quality declines as temperatures rise. Surface-sow and keep soil evenly moist until seedlings emerge. Pinching plants is not necessary or beneficial.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Sun/Part Shade.PLANT HEIGHT:
Zones 4-9. Blooms late spring until summer in northern climates and early spring until early summer in warmer climates when grown outdoors. Prefers cool summers and will readily self-sow. May be annual or perennial depending on growing conditions.VASE LIFE:
5-7 days.HARVEST:
As the buds just begin to open and show a bit of color but before they fully expand. Place in clear water.SOIL REQUIREMENTS:
Moist, well-drained soil.USES:
Cut flower. Beds, borders, mass plantings, and containers.SCIENTIFIC NAME:
Papaver nudicaule