Lupine - Key Growing Information

14-21 days at 65-75°F (18-24°C). To promote germination, soak seeds overnight or scarify seeds.SOWING:
Transplant - Sow 4-8 weeks before planting out. Seedlings can tolerate a light frost. Deep cell trays like 50-cell Deep or a 32-cell will support healthy seedling and taproot development. Shallower cell trays like a 50-cell or 72-cell may also be used so long as transplanting is not delayed. Lupine seedlings and roots need space to grow and expand and once restricted will produce inferior plants and flowers. Thin to one plant per cell/container when first true leaves appear. Harden off and transplant out. Direct seed - Cover seeds with 1/4" soil or growing media as darkness aids gemination.LIGHT PREFERENCE:
Sun/Part Shade.PLANT HEIGHT:
Zones 4-8.HARVEST:
80% of blooms on spike are open.SOIL REQUIREMENTS:
Moist, well drained. A pH of 5.5-7 is acceptable, but a slightly acidic soil is preferred.USES:
Cut flower. Borders, masses, cottage gardens, or wildflower meadows.CAUTION: All parts of this flowering plant are poisonous, including seeds. Exercise extreme caution around children and pets.SCIENTIFIC NAME:
Lupinus spp.