'Silver Drop' Eucalyptus | Johnny's Selected Seeds

This variety is 'Silver Drop' or Eucalyptus gunni.

This variety has a very upright, more tree like plant habit that you can see here. The plants grow nice and tall and straight and have abundant branches coming off of a main trunk.

The leaf color is a really attractive, gray-blue color. And then the leaf shape and size can vary a little bit between plants within this selection or within this species, but typically are a little bit smaller and semi rounded.

The stems are often this nice red color which contrasts really nicely with the leaves. But again, you might see a little bit of variation in stem and trunk color, as well as some variation in leaf shape.

Overall, this is a really popular variety for the nicely branching stems and also for the height and the appearance.

Even though there is some variability in the appearance on plants within this selection, it still kind of retains that classic eucalyptus look, which is very versatile; it makes this a really great multi-purpose eucalyptus variety.

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