What are the best practices and systems for harvesting and post-harvest handling of flowers, herbs, and foliages before they leave the field and workshop, to safeguard that quality? This survey of 5 specialty cut-flower growers distills the collective and cumulative wisdom of three-quarters of a century of farming and selling flowers, from the Slow Flowers community.
Scheduling and succession planting tips + variety notes and recommendations for a successful harvest of forced tulips, from our research trials.
Learn about the process for forcing flower bulbs, including infrastructure and materials needed for achieving early blooms.
The step-by-step process of how to force tulip bulbs in soil, including chilling, forcing, harvesting, and common problems and pitfalls.
A guide with detailed instructions for planting your tulip and/or narcissus bulbs for annual cut-flower production or naturalizing, from the Flowering Research & Trialing team at Johnny's Selected Seeds. Information covered here includes: What to do when your bulbs arrive; Inspecting your bulbs; Notes for hardiness Zones 8–10, Site selection and preparation; Planting; Bulb spacing; Mulching; Irrigation; Fertilizer; Harvest; Storage; Garden maintenance and perennialization / naturalization; Pests and diseases.
Safety Data Sheet for Chrysal Clear Bulbosus T-bag, cut-flower conditioner. Includes product ID; hazard ID; composition; first-aid measures; fire-fighting measures; accidental release measures; handling and storage; exposure controls, personal protection; physical and chemical properties; stability and reactivity; toxicological information; ecological Information; disposal considerations; transport information; regulatory information.
Safety Data Sheet for Chrysal Clear Bulbosus cut-flower conditioner. Includes Product ID; Hazard ID; Composition; First-aid measures; Fire-fighting measures; Accidental release measures; Handling and storage; Exposure controls, personal protection; Physical and chemical properties; Stability and reactivity; Toxicological information; Ecological Information; Disposal considerations; Transport information; Regulatory information.