Spring Green Manure Mix - Key Growing Information

Green manures are specific plants, crop varieties, or mixes that are grown and turned into the soil to improve overall quality, particularly fertility and tilth.
Uses: A fast-growing cover crop that can be used in any season but performs particularly well in the spring. Consisting of peas, oats, and hairy vetch, this mix fixes nitrogen, produces abundant biomass, and suppresses weeds.
Culture: Seed any time spring through late summer, though cooler weather is preferred. Prefers full sun, well-drained soil, and a pH between 6.0–7.0, but can be grown in less ideal conditions successfully. For maximum production and nitrogen fixation, inoculate with a pea/vetch type inoculant. Sow seeds ¾–1" deep, covering completely with soil. Larger scale plantings can be drilled or broadcast and lightly harrowed in.
Seeding Rate: 5 lb./1000 sq.ft.; 200 lb./acre
Height: 24–36"
Termination: Till under while vegetative for a green manure. Once oats and vetch flower, residue will be more difficult to till in. At this stage, crimp or mow for a surface mulch, or wait 2–3 weeks after mowing to till in. Tarping after mowing or crimping is an effective way to manage residues on a smaller scale. For late summer sowing, peas and oats will winterkill and vetch will regrow in the spring. Vetch can then be mowed and tilled under.