Spring Green Manure Mix - Key Growing Information

Culture: Seed any time spring through late summer, though cooler weather is preferred. Prefers full sun, well-drained soil, and a pH between 6.0–7.0, but can be grown in less ideal conditions successfully. For maximum production and nitrogen fixation, inoculate with a pea/vetch type inoculant. Sow seeds ¾–1" deep, covering completely with soil. Larger scale plantings can be drilled or broadcast and lightly harrowed in.
Seeding Rate: 5 lb./1000 sq.ft.; 200 lb./acre
Height: 24–36"
Termination: Till under while vegetative for a green manure. Once oats and vetch flower, residue will be more difficult to till in. At this stage, crimp or mow for a surface mulch, or wait 2–3 weeks after mowing to till in. Tarping after mowing or crimping is an effective way to manage residues on a smaller scale. For late summer sowing, peas and oats will winterkill and vetch will regrow in the spring. Vetch can then be mowed and tilled under.