Fall Green Manure Mix - Key Growing Information

Culture: Sow any time midsummer through late summer. Prefers full sun, medium to high soil fertility, and good drainage, but will grow in almost any soil type. Ideal pH is 6.0–7.0. Plant seeds ½" deep or broadcast and lightly cover. Large-scale plantings may be broadcast sown or drilled with a grain drill at the seeding rates listed below.
Seeding Rate: ¼ lb./225 sq.ft.; 1½ lb./1,000 sq.ft.; 50 lb./acre.
Height: 24–36"
Termination: Field peas will winterkill, while the winter rye and hairy vetch will overwinter for spring growth. Crimson clover and ryegrass will likely winterkill in Zones 6 and colder, though this is dependent on sowing date, snow cover, and winter weather conditions. For use as a green manure, mow and till under in the spring. Mature rye and vetch can be crimped or mowed once they have flowered for use as a surface mulch.